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Monday, January 21, 2013

Download Battle Field Hack Machine

Download Battle Field Hack Machine

The Battlefield 3 beta is completely swing and over the weekend some clever chaps decided to make a mod for that PC version with the game..The gamers modded the Operation Metro map to aid 128 players instead in the standard 32 because why not right We knew these products were gonna happen but that which you may donrrrt you have seen coming was EA and DICEs response..According to Rock Paper Shotgun In an official statement around the forum which now seems like its been pulled they claimed that playing around the hacked servers can ca use your money to become compromised stats to be altered or another issues to arise which can cause having your bank account to be banned by EA. If your money does get banned it mean any other EA game you have on the account would be also unavailable..YIKES That is a serious punishment. Especially considering some of these mods are popping up within the official Battlelog browser. Considering that DICE has already come to the Battlefield 3 is intended for the PC and being hand-crafted for your PC I understand they're protective of these product. But punishing the consumers who pay with the product just for experimenting and after that threatening all one other products they paid for from you seems just mean-spirited..What can you guys think about it Does DICE and EA have the right to perform this Have you seen any hacked servers or mods for your beta Do you believe hacking and modding for PC games is simply something publishers should relax a bit about Let me me know your thinking in a comment below. Ill keep you updated with this issue and all Battlefield 3 news right here on Clevver Games. Thanks for watching Im Andrea Rene and Ill see you next time.
Download Battle Field Hack Machine

Download Battle Field Hack Machine
Download Battle Field Hack Machine
Download Battle Field Hack Machine
Download Battle Field Hack Machine