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Monday, November 17, 2008



Infosys Technologies Ltd.

1. Number of null pointers in any binary tree = n+1

2. max(t1,t2,…tn) = pipelining

3. 50% -DBETXXXXXX - density

4. print (Head(T))


print (Head(T))

Traverse(right(T)) - ans: none of the above

5. CPU scheduling based questions

11. if even x/2

else p(p(3x+1))

2^k + 1: 3 . 2^(k-1) clarify this with sans

6. Compiler - related Qn.

7. LAN frames - ? related Qn.

8. sliding window protocol

9. kernel mode - deallocate resource

10. Combinatorics related

11. priority scheduling

12. cobegin

begin x = y; x= x+1; y= x

begin x =y; z= z+1; y= z


ans. Number of values possi = 2

13. 2 bits flip / 2 bits exchange

ans : the word with one ‘1′

14. any addr

K^+ v(a) + 2I - 2a

clarify with SANS.

15.Least no. when divide by [7 gives remainder 6,6gives 5,5 gives 4 and

soon ans;419

16,What compilation do (ans source code to obj)

17.Artficial language is provided which of the language (Lisp) check

18. 241 change its equivalent octal ?

19. for cube and sphere 3 views are similarly draw one such figure?

20. Write a program to exchange two variaables without temp

21. Fortran cannot have value by reference

22. 4,6,8,__

23. success is to failure, joy is to


25. opposite to essential?

26.”Raw” means

27. To be good “Wrestler ” one should have?

28. “Command” opposite?

29. genuine opposite?

30. Sum of two consecutive nos is 55, larger one is?

31. A person goes 4/5 of his usual speed reaches 10min lateto his destinaton, time taken?

32. 80% pass in english, 70%pass in maths , 10%fail in both , 144 pass in

both . How many all appeared to the test?

33. To get a parabola if you cut a section of?

34. Bird is flying 120km/hr b/w B to R. two trians at B to R at 60 kmph

The distance trvelled by the bird before it is killed.Ans.120

35. meaning of inert